Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away

Here it is hump day and the Chicago rain finally arrived first thing this morning, so no bike ride for me. Instead, I focused on yoga and strength training with my Wii Fit. I worked a total of an hour and 17 minutes and burned 260 calories. Calories ... I never know how much is enough, but I suppose my total for today is much better than nothing, right? Either way, I sweated my booty off and that's always a good sign.

Today's lunch menu included a half cup of quinoa tabbouleh and curried butternut squash soup. I have also jotted down an individual list of tasks to complete this afternoon (as compared to my usual weekly list) in order to keep away from snacking. Last night, Ryan and I completed dinner before 6pm, which is a huge accomplishment after years of working in New York City and dealing with other daily life activities, which always led to eating around 8pm or after. We capped off the evening with a walk on North Avenue Beach. But unfortunately, the snack voice inside my head (and Ryan's) came around 10pm and I drank a 3/4 can of Vernors and Jane's Popcorn when I got home. Boo!

I am headed outside for a quick walk in a few to pick up some dry cleaning and run some other errands. I have some other house cleaning to take care of as well, which means a few more calories burned. Hooray for that!

I see the sun is trying to peek its way out beyond the gray clouds. C'mon!


Come dinner time, my hubs treated me to some fabulous jerk chicken with cool cucumber salsa. It's one of Ellie Krieger's recipes from her first hardcover cookbook, The Food You Crave. This was the first time we had this particular dish, and it was sooo good and the salsa was very refreshing. I kept the serving size to a deck of cards for the chicken and roughly a 1/2 cup of the salsa. We also had our usual mixed greens herb salad, this time with a tablespoon of scallions and basil, from our backyard! I topped that with two tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and water to drink, and that was that.

A second batch of storms rolled in later and the Chicago sky looked like 18 different colors. Things eventually cleared around 9pm and myself and the hubs headed to Whole Foods to grab some oats and other odds and ends. Earlier that afternoon I had stumbled upon the most amazing food blog, Carrots 'N' Cake. That's where I found the recipe for the much-blogged about "Overnight Oats in a Jar" dish, hence our trip for additional oats.

I also think I am going to start taking photos of my meals. Perhaps it'll give this blog a little more umph.


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